
Our date on Sunday? The bed and an uncountable amount of cosy pillows. Sundays are made to be calm down moments and for binge watching our favourite shows. And for a fabulous breakfast (best served in bed). How that? Exactly like this:

100 g oat flakes, 100 ml (soy) milk, 1 tsp coconut blossom cane sugar, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 banana, 1 tsp cinnamon

Soy yoghurt, 1 orange, 1 banana, pomegranate seeds
Mix all ingredients in a food processor until you have a dough. Heat up coconut oil (you can use your favourite oil but we prefer the healthy delicious goodness made from coconuts) in a pan, flip the pancake as soon as it is golden brown from one side. Cook them until both sides are golden brown.
Hint: Keep the pancakes warm in the oven until all of them are ready.

Unser Sonntagsdate? Das Bett und die unzähligen, riesen Kuschelkissen. Sonntage sind für Calm Down-Momente und Staffeln unserer Lieblingsserien. Und – für fabelhaftes Frühstück (am liebsten im Bett). Wie? Genau so:

100 g Haferflocken, 100 ml (Soja) Milch, 1 TL Kokosblüten-Rohzucker, 1 TL Backpulver, 1 Banane, 1 TL Zimt
Sojajoghurt, 1 Orange, 1 Banane, Granatapfelkerne

Alle Zutaten in einen Mixer geben und zu einem Teig mixen. Kokosöl (alternativen erlaubt) in der Pfanne erhitzen, die Pancakes von beiden Seiten goldbraun anbraten.

Tipp: die bereits fertigen Pancakes im Ofen warm stellen. 

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